
[season and weather-dependent behavior of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes in sancti spiritus in the period 1999-2007].aedes aegypti is the main dengue and hemorrhagic dengue vector and its widespread behavior responds to a number of factors, among them, the climatic ones.201323431630
[control of aedes aegypti larvae (l) with poecilia reticulata peter, 1895: a community experience in taguasco municipality, sancti spíritus, cuba].the efficacy of the control of aedes aegypti (l) with poecilia reticulata peter, 1895, was determined in containers used for domestic consumption water in taguasco municipality in the center of sancti spiritus province, cuba. before the epidemic of santiago de cuba and havana province, this municipality had not been positive to aedes aegypti (l). the increasing infections caused by the vector started to worry the population that feared an outbreak of dengue epidemic. previous to the fish growth, ...201323427432
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