
etiology of childhood infectious diarrhea in a developed region of china: compared to childhood diarrhea in a developing region and adult diarrhea in a developed china, great differences in economy, social characteristics and hygiene exist between developing and developed regions. a comparative study of infectious diarrhea between two regions was needed. three groups of diarrheal patients were collected: children ≤5 year-olds from beijing (developed region) and henan province (developing region), and adults over 18 year-olds from beijing. a questionnaire was used to survey and feces samples were examined for 16 enteropathogens. we enrolled 1422 childr ...201526528820
[investigation on distribution of yersinia enterocolitica in henan province between 2005 and 2011].to investigate the distribution of yersinia enterocolitica in henan province from 2005 to 2011.201324304953
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