
adenovirus-associated acute conjunctivitis in beijing, china, 2011-2013.human adenovirus (hadv)-associated acute conjunctivitis is a common infectious disease and causes significant morbidity among residents in beijing, china. however, little is known about the epidemiology and type distribution of acute adenoviral conjunctivitis in beijing.201829558885
genomic analysis of hadv-b14 isolate from the outbreak of febrile respiratory infection in china.human adenovirus type 14 (hadv-b14) was first reported in 1955 from the netherlands and since then had been associated with outbreaks of febrile respiratory illness (fri). in china, sporadic hadv-b14 infections were first identified in 2010, in guangzhou and beijing. in 2012, an outbreak of fri occurred in beijing and the etiological agent was determined to be hadv-b14. we present a complete hadv-b14 genome sequence isolated from this recent fri outbreak. virus in 30 throat swab samples was dete ...201324055951
etiology of acute conjunctivitis due to coxsackievirus a24 variant, human adenovirus, herpes simplex virus, and chlamydia in beijing, china.acute conjunctivitis is a common disease associated with high morbidity and economic burden. to clarify the etiological characteristics of acute conjunctivitis in beijing, surveillance of acute conjunctivitis was conducted from july to october during 2007-2012 by collecting eye swabs from patients treated at surveillance hospitals affiliated with a surveillance program of 18 districts center for disease prevention and control in beijing. coxsackievirus a24 variant (ca24v), enterovirus 70 (ev70), ...201425241684
human adenovirus type 7 infection associated with severe and fatal acute lower respiratory illness and nosocomial transmission.a 23-year-old male died of severe pneumonia and respiratory failure in a tertiary hospital in beijing, and 4 out of 55 close contacts developed fever. molecular analysis confirmed human adenovirus type 7 (hadv7) as the causative agent. we highlight the importance of early diagnosis and treatment and proper transmission control of hadv7.201525520444
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