
antibodies to snowshoe hare virus of the california group in the snowshoe hare (lepus americanus) population of nova scotia.serological study showed the presence of antibodies to snowshoe hare virus in 6--14% of snowshoe hares (lepus americanus) samples in nova scotia. this report extends the known range of this virus in north america.1978686253
antibodies to the california group of arboviruses in the moose (alces alces americana clinton) population of nova scotia.moose (alces alces americana clinton) blood collected by hunters during the 1977 and 1978 hunting seasons was tested for california group antibodies. hemagglutination inhibition (hi) tests using snowshoe hare virus (ssh) as antigen yielded 37.02% hi-positive sera. neutralization tests showed reactors reactors (67.5% positive) to ssh and classified six reactors as jamestown canyon virus (jc). this study reports the first finding of jc in a moose population; it also provides the first evidence of ...19817317859
antibodies to snowshoe hare virus of the california group in the horse population in nova scotia.a large number of north american equine samples were tested for the california group of arboviruses (cal). of 861 equine sera tested by hemagglutination inhibition using the snowshoe hare virus as an antigen, 106 (12.3%) were positive. neutralization tests confirmed antibodies to this virus in 72 of the positive sera. this study provides evidence of cal activity in the domestic animal population of nova scotia.19807397607
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