
the effect of penaeus merguiensis densovirus on penaeus merguiensis production in queensland, australia.penaeus merguiensis densovirus (pmergdnv) is currently present on several queensland prawn farms culturing penaeus merguiensis. densoviruses have been linked to mortality and stunting that has caused significant financial loss to prawn farms in asia. a histopathological study for pmergdnv was initially undertaken to compare broodstock to grow out factors from 60 broodstock animals from each of 22 ponds. there was a significant negative correlation (r = -0.61) between the number of animals with p ...201121605127
molecular characterisation of hepatopancreatic parvovirus (pmergdnv) from australian penaeus merguiensis.hepatopancreatic parvovirus infection is associated with reduced growth rates of prawns during the juvenile stages and overt mortalities. hepatopancreatic parvovirus was purified from penaeus merguiensis from northern queensland and a partial consensus sequence of 5.9 kb was obtained. nucleotide comparisons revealed that the australian isolate of hpv has a nucleotide similarity (87%) closer to hpvchin and the full sequence of hpv penaeus monodon (pmdnv) (6321 bp) than to hpvsemi (83%). three put ...200717275056
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