
[the epidemiology of hemolytic uremic syndrome in argentina. diagnosis of the etiologic agent, reservoirs and routes of transmission].shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec) cause sporadic cases and outbreaks of nonbloody and bloody diarrhea, and hemolytic uremic syndrome (hus). e. coil o157:h7 is the most prevalent stec serotype. however, other serotypes (o26:h11; o103:h2; o111:nm; o121:h19; o145:nm, among others) can cause a similar disease spectrum. shiga toxins (stx1, stx2, and their variants), intimin, and enterohemolysin are the main virulence factors. three different diagnostic criteria are used to determine the f ...200617354474
microbiological and serological control of escherichia coli o157: h7 in kindergarten staff in buenos aires city and suburban areas.shiga toxin (stx)-producing escherichia coli (stec) infections are implicated in the development of the life-threatening hemolytic-uremic syndrome (hus). despite the magnitude of the social and economic problems caused by hus, no licensed vaccine or effective therapy is currently available for human use. prevention of stec infections continues being the most important measure to reduce hus incidence. this is especially true for argentina where hus incidence among children is extremely high and s ...201728643674
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