
outbreak of marburg virus hemorrhagic fever--angola, october 1, 2004-march 29, 2005.on march 23, 2005, the world health organization (who) confirmed marburg virus (family filoviridae, which includes ebola virus) as the causative agent of an outbreak of viral hemorrhagic fever (vhf) in uige province in northern angola. testing conducted by cdc's special pathogens branch detected the presence of virus in nine of 12 clinical specimens from patients who died during the outbreak.200515800477
marburgvirus genomics and association with a large hemorrhagic fever outbreak in march 2005, the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) investigated a large hemorrhagic fever (hf) outbreak in uige province in northern angola, west africa. in total, 15 initial specimens were sent to cdc, atlanta, ga., for testing for viruses associated with viral hfs known to be present in west africa, including ebolavirus. marburgvirus was also included despite the fact that the origins of all earlier outbreaks were linked directly to east africa. surprisingly, marburgvirus was ...200616775337
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