
the comparison of rdna spacer regions of nosema ceranae isolates from different hosts and locations.nosema ceranae is a common microsporidian pathogen, one of two nosema species that cause "nosema disease" in honeybees, apis cerana and apis mellifera. samples of n. ceranae rdna from isolates collected in different locations were sequenced and one 5s rrna was found to be upstream of ssurrna. the rdna arrangement, 5'-5s rrna-igs-ssurrna-its-lsurrna-3', was found in all isolates. in order to better understand the distribution relationship between n. ceranae isolates from a. cerana and a. mellifer ...200817709115
nosema ceranae infection intensity highly correlates with temperature.nosema ceranae, a microsporidian entomopathogen, was first reported from honey bees, apis mellifera, in 2005 in taiwan (huang et al., 2007) and has become a major concern in apiculture worldwide. in taiwan, we found one infection peak for n. ceranae during the winter months, compared to two peaks in spring and fall reported in 1980 for nosema apis. n. ceranae infection intensity in apiaries reached a high level earlier than n. apis, a possible factor in replacement. we found a significant negati ...201222982233
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