
descriptive epidemiology of intestinal helminth parasites from stray cat populations in qatar.a total of 488 stray cats, 212 adult and 29 juvenile females plus 235 adult and 12 juvenile males, were examined post-mortem during the winter and summer months of 2006 from five sites in the vicinity of doha and its outskirts. five helminths, comprising three nematode and two cestode species were identified and the majority of cats harboured two of these species. the most prevalent was the cestode taenia taeniaeformis (75.8%), followed by the cestode diplopylidium sp. (42.8%), and the nematodes ...200818199386
intestinal helminths of feral cat populations from urban and suburban districts of qatar.a survey of the helminths of 658 adult cats from feral urban and suburban populations in qatar was conducted across all months in 2006 and 2007. six species of helminths were identified, comprising two cestodes (taenia taeniaeformis [73.6%] and diplopylidium acanthotetra [47.1%]) and four nematodes (ancylostoma tubaeforme [14.7%], physaloptera praeputialis [5.2%], toxocara cati [0.8%] and toxascaris leonina [0.2%]), and 83% of cats were infected with at least one of these. the average number of ...201020031329
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