
imipenem resistance in aerobic gram-negative bacteria.a prospective study was undertaken to observe the emergence of resistance to imipenem, if any, among aerobic gram-negative bacteria. a total of 736 isolates were tested during 1994-95 and less than 1% of them were resistant to imipenem, whereas the next year ('95-'96) the rate increased to 11 of the 903 isolates tested. the resistant isolates during '94-'95 were all stenotrophomonas maltophilia whereas the spectrum of resistant bacterial species increased in '95-'96 to include pseudomonas aerugi ...19989603633
air-dust-borne associations of phototrophic and hydrocarbon-utilizing microorganisms: promising consortia in volatile hydrocarbon bioremediation.aquatic and terrestrial associations of phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms active in hydrocarbon bioremediation have been described earlier. the question arises: do similar consortia also occur in the atmosphere? dust samples at the height of 15 m were collected from kuwait city air, and analyzed microbiologically for phototrophic and heterotrophic hydrocarbon-utilizing microorganisms, which were subsequently characterized according to their 16s rrna gene sequences. the hydrocarbon ut ...201222529000
the increase in carbapenem use and emergence of stenotrophomonas maltophilia as an important nosocomial pathogen.carbapenems, being the broadest spectrum antibiotics, may allow those organisms intrinsically resistant to these drugs to be involved more frequently in nosocomial infections. imipenem was introduced to the specialized hospital units in kuwait in october, 1992 and meropenem in late 1996. the main objective of this study was to observe prospectively whether, under similar laboratory conditions for microbial isolation/identification while these drugs are in use in the hospital, there is any propor ...199910078777
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