
balancing sample accumulation and dna degradation rates to optimize noninvasive genetic sampling of sympatric carnivores.noninvasive genetic sampling, or noninvasive dna sampling (nds), can be an effective monitoring approach for elusive, wide-ranging species at low densities. however, few studies have attempted to maximize sampling efficiency. we present a model for combining sample accumulation and dna degradation to identify the most efficient (i.e. minimal cost per successful sample) nds temporal design for capture-recapture analyses. we use scat accumulation and faecal dna degradation rates for two sympatric ...201525454561
evaluation of scat deposition transects versus radio telemetry for developing a species distribution model for a rare desert carnivore, the kit fox.development and evaluation of noninvasive methods for monitoring species distribution and abundance is a growing area of ecological research. while noninvasive methods have the advantage of reduced risk of negative factors associated with capture, comparisons to methods using more traditional invasive sampling is lacking. historically kit foxes (vulpes macrotis) occupied the desert and semi-arid regions of southwestern north america. once the most abundant carnivore in the great basin desert of ...201526465332
vigilance of kit foxes at water sources: a test of competing hypotheses for a solitary carnivore subject to predation.animals that are potential prey do not respond equally to direct and indirect cues related to risk of predation. based on differential responses to cues, three hypotheses have been proposed to explain spatial variation in vigilance behavior. the predator-vigilance hypothesis proposes that prey increase vigilance where there is evidence of predators. the visibility-vigilance hypothesis suggests that prey increase vigilance where visibility is obstructed. alternatively, the refuge-vigilance hypoth ...201323305800
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