
differential accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in the terrestrial food web of the kalamazoo river superfund site, michigan.a series of field studies was conducted to determine the bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) congeners in the terrestrial food web of the kalamazoo river flood plain. samples included colocated soils, native plants likely to be consumed by wildlife, several taxa of terrestrial invertebrates, small mammals, passerine bird eggs, nestlings, and adults, and great horned owl plasma and eggs. mean concentrations of total pcbs in samples from the former trowbridge impoundment were 6.5 mg/ ...200516173551
reproductive success of three passerine species exposed to dioxin-like compounds near midland, michigan, usa.nests of three passerine birds, house wren (howr), tree swallow (tres), and eastern bluebird (eabl) were monitored daily (2005-2007) at study areas (sas) downstream of midland, michigan where soil and sediment concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs) were significantly greater than the regional background concentrations and upstream reference areas (ras). similarly, tres research conducted at sites contaminated with dioxin-like compounds indicated that concentrations of polychlori ...201222392542
dietary exposure of three passerine species to pcdd/dfs from the chippewa, tittabawassee, and saginaw river floodplains, midland, michigan, usa.dietary exposure of house wrens (troglodytes aedon), tree swallows (tachycineta bicolor), and eastern bluebirds (sialia sialis) to polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds) near midland, michigan (usa) was evaluated based on site-specific data, including concentrations of residues in bolus samples and individual invertebrate orders and dietary compositions by study species. site-specific dietary compositions for the three species were similar to those re ...201120145996
passerine exposure to primarily pcdfs and pcdds in the river floodplains near midland, michigan, wren (troglodytes aedon), tree swallow (tachycineta bicolor), and eastern bluebird (sialia sialis) tissues collected in study areas (sas) downstream of midland, michigan (usa) contained concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds) greater than in upstream reference areas (ras) in the region. the sum of concentrations of pcdd/dfs (sigmapcdd/dfs) in eggs of house wrens and eastern bluebirds from sas were 4- to 22-fold greater compared ...201019894014
reproductive success of passerines exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls through the terrestrial food web of the kalamazoo river.the eastern bluebird (sialia sialis) and the house wren (troglodytes aedon) were identified as ecological receptors of concern due to exposure and potential effects stemming from polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) contamination in floodplain soils of the kalamazoo river superfund site, michigan, usa. measures of population health were compared at a contaminated and a less-contaminated reference location. during this 3-year study, productivity of bluebirds was significantly less at the downstream loc ...200716343620
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