
antibodies to vesicular stomatitis new jersey type virus in wild and domestic sentinel swine.wild sentinel swine on ossabaw island, chatham county, georgia, were serially bled and tested for vesicular stomatitis new jersey type virus neutralizing antibody to determine the intensity, distribution, and progression of annual viral activity. from march through september, 1984 and 1985, 112 and 226 juvenile (less than 8 months) swine, respectively, were sampled. seroconversions initially were detected on may 7, 1984 and may 18, 1985. incidence of seroconversion in wild swine reached 32% duri ...19873034056
prevalence and risk association for trichinella infection in domestic pigs in the northeastern united determine trichinella infection in a selected group of farm raised pigs, 4078 pigs from 156 farms in new england and new jersey, employing various management styles, were selected based on feed type (grain, regulated waste, non-regulated waste). the number of pigs bled from each farm were based on detecting infection assuming a 0.05 prevalence rate. serum was tested by enzyme-linked immunoassay for antibodies to trichinella spiralis. seropositive pigs were tested by digestion at slaughter (wh ...199910223350
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