
quantifying the multi-scale response of avifauna to prescribed fire experiments in the southwest united states.landscape-scale disturbance events, including ecological restoration and fuel reduction activities, can modify habitat and affect relationships between species and their environment. to reduce the risk of uncharacteristic stand-replacing fires in the southwestern united states, land managers are implementing restoration and fuels treatments (e.g., mechanical thinning, prescribed fire) in progressively larger stands of dry, lower elevation ponderosa pine (pinus ponderosa) forest. we used a before ...200919425425
horsehair worms (gordius robustus in nests of the western bluebird (sialia mexicana): evidence for anti-predator avoidance?hairworms (nematomorpha: gordiida) are internal parasites that alter the behavior of their terrestrial insect host, forcing it to enter the water to reach its reproductive habitat. after reproduction of the free-living adults, the larvae encyst in aquatic insects and are retained upon metamorphosis of the insect into an adult fly. this paratenic host links the aquatic and terrestrial environments after its consumption by omnivorous or predatory insects. therefore, hairworms are usually only asso ...201019954262
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