
bacteriocidal activity of lizard and mouse serum for borrelia lonestari, putative agent of a lyme-like illness (aka stari or masters disease) in determine responses of borrelia lonestari and borrelia burgdorferi to eastern fence lizard (sceloporus undulatus) and swiss-webster mouse (mus musculus) sera.200516259394
seasonal activity and host associations of ixodes scapularis (acari: ixodidae) in southeastern missouri.based on tick collections recovered from wild vertebrates and by dragging, the seasonal occurrence of adult blacklegged ticks, ixodes scapularis say, extended from october through may in southeastern missouri. adult activity was bimodal with the higher peak occurring in november followed by a lower peak in february. the activity of immature i. scapularis had the general pattern of that found in the northeast where lyme disease is hyperendemic, with larval activity (july) peaking after that of ny ...199910593072
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