
convergent evolution of embryonic growth and development in the eastern fence lizard (sceloporus undulatus).theory predicts that cold environments will select for strategies that enhance the growth of ectotherms, such as early emergence from nests and more efficient use of resources. we used a common garden experiment to detect parallel clines in rates of embryonic growth and development by eastern fence lizards (sceloporus undulatus). using realistic thermal conditions, we measured growth efficiencies and incubation periods of lizards from five populations representing two distinct clades. in both cl ...200616817545
minimal role of eastern fence lizards in borrelia burgdorferi transmission in central new jersey oak/pine woodlands.the eastern fence lizard, sceloporus undulatus , is widely distributed in eastern and central north america, ranging through areas with high levels of lyme disease, as well as areas where lyme disease is rare or absent. we studied the potential role of s. undulatus in transmission dynamics of lyme spirochetes by sampling ticks from a variety of natural hosts at field sites in central new jersey, and by testing the reservoir competence of s. undulatus for borrelia burgdorferi in the laboratory. t ...201424871138
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