
integrating nonindigenous aquatic plant control with protection of snail kite nests in florida.the endangered snail kite (rostrhamus sociabilis) feeds primarily on the freshwater apple snail (pomacea paludosa) in florida. the nonindigenous, floating water hyacinth (eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (pistia stratiotes) impede kites from finding snails. effective control of these aquatic plants in the littoral zone of central and south florida lakes benefits kites by maintaining open foraging habitat. however, incidental herbicide spraying of nesting substrates result in nest collapse ...200111436998
importance of well-designed monitoring programs for the conservation of endangered species: case study of the snail kite.monitoring natural populations is often a necessary step to establish the conservation status of species and to help improve management decisions. nevertheless, many monitoring programs do not effectively address primary sources of variability in monitoring data, which ultimately may limit the utility of monitoring in identifying declines and improving management. to illustrate the importance of taking into account detectability and spatial variation, we used a recently proposed estimator of abu ...200717391197
sediment copper bioavailability to freshwater snails in south florida: risk implications for the everglade snail kite (rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus).many properties being acquired as part of the comprehensive everglades restoration plan (cerp) are heavily contaminated with copper. estimated copper bioaccumulation in the florida apple snail (pomacea paludosa) has led to the prediction of risk to the everglade snail kite (rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) at some cerp projects. field study results presented in this paper examine the relationship between copper levels in sediments, snails, and other biota. copper concentrations in all biota (snai ...200818679796
reconstructing historical habitat data with predictive models.historical vegetation data are important to ecological studies, as many structuring processes operate at long time scales, from decades to centuries. capturing the pattern of variability within a system (enough to declare a significant change from past to present) relies on correct assumptions about the temporal scale of the processes involved. sufficient long-term data are often lacking, and current techniques have their weaknesses. to address this concern, we constructed multistate and artific ...201424640544
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