
do unusual site-specific population dynamics of rodent reservoirs provide clues to the natural history of hantaviruses?between january 1995 and november 1997, longitudinal mark-recapture studies of rodent hosts of hantaviruses in a disturbed microhabitat within a shortgrass prairie ecosystem in southeastern colorado (usa) were conducted. the site was distinguished by edaphic and floristic characteristics unique to this area and associated with historical land use patterns, as well as the year-around availability of water from a functioning windmill. populations of two common rodent species that are hosts for han ...200111310878
detection and characterization of borrelia bissettii in rodents from the central california coast.this is the first report of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in rodents from san luis obispo county, with most isolates obtained from a previously unreported host, neotoma lepida thomas. b. burgdorferi sensu lato was identified in seven rodent species, including the california vole, microtus californicus peale; dusky-footed woodrat, neotoma fuscipes baird; desert woodrat, neotoma lepida thomas; brush mouse, peromyscus boylii baird; california mouse, peromyscus californicus gambel; deer mouse, per ...200415311469
epizootiology of sin nombre and el moro canyon hantaviruses, southeastern colorado, 1995-2000.sin nombre virus (snv) is an etiologic agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. to better understand the natural history of this virus we studied population dynamics and temporal pattern of infection of its rodent hosts in southeastern colorado (usa) from 1995 to 2000. we present evidence for the presence of two hantaviruses, snv in deer mice (peromyscus maniculatus) and el moro canyon virus in western harvest mice (reithrodontomys megalotis), at our study sites. sin nombre virus appeared only sp ...200515827206
population dynamics of a diverse rodent assemblage in mixed grass-shrub habitat, southeastern colorado, 1995-2000.we followed seasonal and year-to-year population dynamics for a diverse rodent assemblage in a short-grass prairie ecosystem in southeastern colorado (usa) for 6 yr. we captured 2,798 individual rodents (range, one to 812 individuals per species) belonging to 19 species. the two most common species, deer mice (peromyscus maniculatus) and western harvest mice (reithrodontomys megalotis), generally had population peaks in winter and nadirs in summer; several other murid species demonstrated autumn ...200515827207
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