
citizen scientists monitor a deadly fungus threatening amphibian communities in northern coastal california, usa.ecoclub youth and supervising family members conducted citizen science to assess regional prevalence and distribution of batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (bd) among amphibians at humboldt bay national wildlife refuge (refuge) and redwood national and state parks (parks), humboldt county, california, us, may 2013 through december 2014. using quantitative real-time pcr, 26 (17%) of 155 samples were positive for bd. positive samples occurred in four frog and toad species: foothill yellow-legged frog ...201627195681
disease associated with integumentary and cloacal parasites in tadpoles of northern red-legged frog rana aurora aurora.a total of 6830 northern red-legged frog rana aurora aurora tadpoles were examined under a dissecting microscope for oral disc, integumentary, and cloacal abnormalities in 13 ponds in and near redwood national park in northern california. of these, 163 tadpoles were collected for histopathological investigation, including 115 randomly collected individuals, 38 collected with oral disc abnormalities, and 10 collected due to severe morbidity of unknown etiology. the tadpoles were infected with 8 p ...200718159674
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