
trace elements in crayfish: regional differences and changes induced by cooking.the concentrations of pb, cd, zn, cu, ni, cr, mn, co, as, and se were determined in the abdominal muscle and hepatopancreas from raw and cooked crayfish of astacus astacus (l.) and pacifastacus leniusculus (dana), both of swedish origin. after cooking, the concentrations of cd, ni, and co in the hepatopancreas showed a decrease and the concentrations of pb, cu, and mn in the abdominal muscle showed an increase. metal and metalloid concentrations were also determined in the abdominal muscle and h ...19948311505
divergent responses of exposed and naive pacific tree frog tadpoles to invasive predatory crayfish.invasive predators can devastate native species and ecosystems. however, native species may be able to coexist with invasive predators through a variety of mechanisms, such as changes in morphology or behavior due to a plastic response or selection on fixed anti-predator traits. we examined whether exposed and naive populations of pacific tree frog tadpoles (pseudacris regilla) display divergent morphological and behavioral traits in response to the invasive predatory red swamp crayfish (procamb ...201424002711
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