
teambuilding: it starts at the top--of a tree?management experts say that teamwork begins at the top--with senior executives. for senior executives at the saddleback memorial medical center, laguna hills, ca, teamwork improvement started last march at the top of a tall pine tree. the saddleback team's deeds of daring were part of a sophisticated four-and-a-half-day training session at a special camp in the california mountains. the program challenged the hospital group to move beyond its current levels of teamwork.19902227903
primary invasive carcinoma of the vagina.a retrospective review was conducted of 53 women with invasive carcinoma of the vagina and without documented exposure to diethylstilbestrol who were seen at the university of california irvine medical center, long beach memorial medical center, and saddleback memorial medical center from 1976-1988. forty-seven (89%) had squamous cell carcinoma and six (11%) adenocarcinoma. thirty-seven (70%) were treated with whole-pelvis irradiation and brachytherapy, nine with surgery alone, and the other sev ...19902216195
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