experimental acidification of little rock lake (wisconsin): fish research approach and early responses. | one goal of research at little rock lake, wisconsin, is to enhance understanding of lake acidification effects on warm- and cool-water fishery resources. the little rock lake fish assemblage is characteristic of many acid sensitive waters in north america and is dominated by yellow perch (percidae) and sunfishes (centrarchidae). analyses of reproduction, early survival and growth rates in the field were designed around the differing reproductive modes of these taxa. complementary laboratory rese ... | 2003 | 2923489 |
description of the microsporidian parasite, heterosporis sutherlandae n. sp., infecting fish in the great lakes region, usa. | heterosporosis is an increasingly important microsporidian disease worldwide, impacting wild and farmed raised fishes in both marine and freshwater environments. a previously undescribed species (heterosporis sp.), with widespread distribution in the great lakes region, was the subject of this study. three angler-caught fish were submitted to the minnesota veterinary diagnostic laboratory from 2009-2010 with lesions caused by intracellular proliferation of parasitic spores, resulting in destruct ... | 2015 | 26244983 |