
rapd marker estimation of genetic structure among isolated northern leopard frog populations in the south-western usa.amphibians in the south-western united states are currently experiencing population declines. causal explanations for these population changes as well as the implementation of sound management practices requires an understanding of the genetic structure of natural amphibian populations. to this end, we estimated genetic differences within and among seven isolated populations of northern leopard frogs, rana pipiens, from arizona and southern utah using random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) anal ...19968794561
characterization of antimicrobial peptides in skin secretions from discrete populations of lithobates chiricahuensis (ranidae) from central and southern arizona.populations of the chiricahua leopard frog lithobates chiricahuensis (ranidae) occupying regions in southern arizona (southern range) are morphologically distinct from those from the mogollon rim of central arizona (northern range) and a comparison of dna sequences of mitochondrial genes has suggested that they may represent separate species. peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions has led to the identification of six peptides with antimicrobial activity in samples from ...201121262304
chytridiomycosis in native arizona frogs.twenty-seven adult/sub-adult lowland leopard frogs (rana yavapaiensis), two larval lowland leopard frogs, two adult chirichahua leopard frogs (rana chiricahuensis), and two adult canyon tree frogs (hyla arenicolor) collected from populations experiencing mortality events at eight sites were found to have characteristic lesions of chytrid fungus infection (batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). the mortalities occurred during december 1992 and between october and february in 1997-98 and december and fe ...200211838218
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