
trichinella infection in wildlife of the southwestern united states.several potential mammalian reservoirs of sylvatic species of trichinella were examined from texas, new mexico, and arizona. during 1998-99, tongues were collected from a black bear (ursus americanus) in arizona; from 9 black bears, a coyote (canis latrans), and a mountain lion (felis concolor) in new mexico; and from 154 coyotes, 32 raccoons (procyon lotor), 13 opossums (didelphis marsupialis), 4 ocelots (leopardus pardalis), 3 bobcats (lynx rufus), and 5 feral hogs (sus scrofa) in southern tex ...200111695403
the rise and fall of psoroptic scabies in bighorn sheep in the san andres mountains, new mexico.between 1978 and 1997, a combination of psoroptic scabies (psoroptes spp.), mountain lion (puma concolor) predation, and periodic drought reduced a population of native desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) in the san andres mountains (sam), new mexico, from >200 individuals to a single ewe. in 1999, this ewe was captured, ensured to be psoroptes-free, and released back into the sam. eleven radio-collared rams were translocated from the red rock wildlife area (rrwa) in new mexico into the sam r ...200516244062
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