trichinosis in mountain lions in arizona. | | 1986 | 3735596 |
plague gives surprises in the first decade of the 21st century in the united states and worldwide. | plague is an ancient disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis and transmitted by rodent flea bites that continues to surprise us with first-ever events. this review documents plague in human cases in the 1st decade of the 21st century and updates our knowledge of clinical manifestations, transmission during outbreaks, diagnostic testing, antimicrobial treatment, and vaccine development. in the united states, 57 persons were reported to have the disease, of which seven died. worldwide, 21, ... | 2013 | 24043686 |
the rise and fall of psoroptic scabies in bighorn sheep in the san andres mountains, new mexico. | between 1978 and 1997, a combination of psoroptic scabies (psoroptes spp.), mountain lion (puma concolor) predation, and periodic drought reduced a population of native desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) in the san andres mountains (sam), new mexico, from >200 individuals to a single ewe. in 1999, this ewe was captured, ensured to be psoroptes-free, and released back into the sam. eleven radio-collared rams were translocated from the red rock wildlife area (rrwa) in new mexico into the sam r ... | 2005 | 16244062 |
trichinella infection in wildlife of the southwestern united states. | several potential mammalian reservoirs of sylvatic species of trichinella were examined from texas, new mexico, and arizona. during 1998-99, tongues were collected from a black bear (ursus americanus) in arizona; from 9 black bears, a coyote (canis latrans), and a mountain lion (felis concolor) in new mexico; and from 154 coyotes, 32 raccoons (procyon lotor), 13 opossums (didelphis marsupialis), 4 ocelots (leopardus pardalis), 3 bobcats (lynx rufus), and 5 feral hogs (sus scrofa) in southern tex ... | 2001 | 11695403 |