
perfluorinated compounds in aquatic organisms at various trophic levels in a great lakes food chain.trophic transfer of perfluorooctanesulfonate (pfos) and other related perfluorinated compounds was examined in a great lakes benthic foodweb including water-algae-zebra mussel-round goby-smallmouth bass. in addition, perfluorinated compounds were measured in livers and eggs of chinook salmon and lake whitefish, in muscle tissue of carp, and in eggs of brown trout collected from michigan. similarly, green frog livers, snapping turtle plasma, mink livers, and bald eagle tissues were analyzed to de ...200515883668
decreased mortality of lake michigan chinook salmon after bacterial kidney disease challenge: evidence for pathogen-driven selection?in the late 1960s, chinook salmon oncorhynchus tshawytscha from the green river, washington, were successfully introduced into lake michigan. during spring from 1988 to 1992, large fish die-offs affecting chinook salmon occurred in the lake. multiple ecological factors probably contributed to the severity of the fish kills, but the only disease agent found regularly was renibacterium salmoninarum, the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease. in this study, survival after challenge by r. salm ...200819306612
modeling fish health to inform research and management: renibacterium salmoninarum dynamics in lake michigan.little is known about the interaction between fish pathogens and managed freshwater fish populations. we develop a model of chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tschawytscha)-renibacterium salmoninarum (rs) dynamics based on free-swimming lake michigan fish by synthesizing population and epidemiological theory. using the model, we expose critical uncertainties about the system, identify opportunities for efficient and insightful data collection, and pose testable hypotheses. our simulation results sugge ...200919425436
Bacterial infections of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), returning to gamete collecting weirs in Michigan.Herein, we describe the prevalence of bacterial infections in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), returning to spawn in two tributaries within the Lake Michigan watershed. Ten bacterial genera, including Renibacterium, Aeromonas, Carnobacterium, Serratia, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Hafnia, Salmonella, Shewanella and Morganella, were detected in the kidneys of Chinook salmon (n = 480) using culture, serological and molecular analyses. Among these, Aeromonas salmonicida was detected at ...201222168454
carnobacterium maltaromaticum infections in feral oncorhynchus spp. (family salmonidae) in michigan.members of the genus oncorhynchus were introduced from the pacific northwest to the laurentian great lakes basin and now constitute one of its most commercially and ecologically valuable fisheries. recently, infections by a group of gram-positive atypical lactobacilli belonging to the genus carnobacterium have been detected in feral and captive oncorhynchus spp. broodstock, some of which were associated with mortalities. out of 1564 rainbow and steelhead trout (o. mykiss), coho salmon (o. kisutc ...201122068485
polyphasic characterization of aeromonas salmonicida isolates recovered from salmonid and non-salmonid fish.michigan's fisheries rely primarily upon the hatchery propagation of salmonid fish for release in public waters. one limitation on the success of these efforts is the presence of bacterial pathogens, including aeromonas salmonicida, the causative agent of furunculosis. this study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of a. salmonicida in michigan fish, as well as to determine whether biochemical or gene sequence variability exists among michigan isolates. a total of 2202 wild, feral and hat ...201323444966
gamete-associated flavobacteria of the oviparous chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in lakes michigan and huron, north america.flavobacterial diseases, caused by multiple members of the family flavobacteriaceae, elicit serious losses in wild and farmed fish around the world. flavobacteria are known to be transmitted horizontally; however, vertical transmission has been suspected but proven only for one fish-pathogenic flavobacterial species (e.g., flavobacterium psychrophilum). herein, we report on the isolation and molecular identification of multiple flavobacterium and chryseobacterium taxa from the ovarian fluid and ...201627350613
flavobacterium psychrophilum infections in salmonid broodstock and hatchery-propagated stocks of the great lakes basin.bacterial coldwater disease (bcwd), caused by flavobacterium psychrophilum, threatens wild and propagated salmonids worldwide and leads to substantial economic losses. in addition to being horizontally transmitted, f. psychrophilum can be passed from infected parents to their progeny, furthering the negative impacts of this pathogen. in michigan, both feral and captive salmonid broodstocks are the gamete sources used in fishery propagation efforts. a 5-year study was initiated to follow the prev ...201526636411
genetic variation in bacterial kidney disease (bkd) susceptibility in lake michigan chinook salmon and its progenitor population from the puget sound.mass mortality events in wild fish due to infectious diseases are troubling, especially given the potential for long-term, population-level consequences. evolutionary theory predicts that populations with sufficient genetic variation will adapt in response to pathogen pressure. chinook salmon oncorhynchus tshawytscha were introduced into lake michigan in the late 1960s from a washington state hatchery population. in the late 1980s, collapse of the forage base and nutritional stress in lake michi ...201424689954
epidemiological investigation of renibacterium salmoninarum in three oncorhynchus spp. in michigan from 2001 to 2010.bacterial kidney disease (bkd) has caused mortalities and chronic infections in wild and farm-raised salmonids throughout the world. in the laurentian great lakes of north america, bkd was associated with several large-scale mortality events of oncorhynchus spp. throughout the 1980s and 1990s. in response to these mortality events, the state of michigan implemented several enhanced biosecurity measures to limit the occurrence of bkd in state-operated hatcheries and gamete-collection weirs. the o ...201222874662
quantitative interlake comparison of thyroid pathology in great lakes coho (oncorhynchus kisutch) and chinook (oncorhynchus tschawytscha) salmon.coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch) and chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from lakes ontario, michigan, erie, or huron were found to suffer epizootics of thyroid hyperplasia and goiters which appeared to have an environmental etiology. there were 13-fold differences in goiter prevalence within the great lakes, and the differences in goiter frequency were correlated with the degree of thyroid hyperplasia. a means of assessing the degree of thyroid hyperplasia (thyroid index) is described, ...19817237420
bioaccumulation and biomagnification of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in a food web of lake michigan.polybrominated diphenyl ethers are hydrophobic chemicals and can biomagnify in food chains. little is known about the biomagnification of pbdes in the lake michigan food web. plankton, diporeia, lake whitefish, lake trout, and chinook salmon were collected from lake michigan in 2006 between april and august. fish liver and muscle and whole invertebrates were analyzed for six pbdes (bde-47, 99, 100, 153, 154, and 209). carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (delta(13)c and delta(15)n) were als ...201019882349
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