
season of deltamethrin application affects flea and plague control in white-tailed prairie dog (cynomys leucurus) colonies, colorado, 2008 and 2009, we evaluated the duration of prophylactic deltamethrin treatments in white-tailed prairie dog ( cynomys leucurus ) colonies and compared effects of autumn or spring dust application in suppressing flea numbers and plague. plague occurred before and during our experiment. overall, flea abundance tended to increase from may or june to september, but it was affected by deltamethrin treatment and plague dynamics. success in trapping prairie dogs (animals caught/trap days) declined ...201627195680
vaccines for conservation: plague, prairie dogs & black-footed ferrets as a case study.the endangered black-footed ferret (mustela nigripes) is affected by plague, caused by yersinia pestis, both directly, as a cause of mortality, and indirectly, because of the impacts of plague on its prairie dog (cynomys spp.) prey base. recent developments in vaccines and vaccine delivery have raised the possibility of plague control in prairie dog populations, thereby protecting ferret populations. a large-scale experimental investigation across the western us shows that sylvatic plague vaccin ...201728879613
the black-footed ferret: on the brink of recovery?in an attempt to save the species from extinction, the last remaining 18 black-footed ferrets (mustela nigripes) were trapped up from the wild to initiate a captive breeding program. nearly 30 years later more than 8,000 black-footed ferrets have been produced in captivity and approximately 4,100 animals have been reintroduced into 20 sites in eight us states (arizona, new mexico, utah, colorado, kansas, wyoming, south dakota and montana), mexico and canada. however, full recovery of the species ...201425091909
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