
escherichia coli populations in great lakes waterfowl exhibit spatial stability and temporal shifting.populations of escherichia coli from juvenile and adult ring-billed gulls, juvenile common terns, and adult canada geese were sampled over 6 years at five locations on lake superior (duluth, mn, and wisconsin) and lake michigan (wisconsin, illinois, and indiana) to determine the extent of spatial and temporal variability in e. coli strains. strain identity was determined using horizontal fluorophore-enhanced repetitive element palindromic dna fingerprinting. multivariate statistics were used to ...200919139226
bacteroidales diversity in ring-billed gulls (laurus delawarensis) residing at lake michigan beaches.this study investigated the occurrence and diversity of bacteroidales fecal bacteria in gulls residing in the great lakes region. members of this bacterial order have been widely employed as human and bovine host-specific markers of fecal pollution; however, few studies have focused on gulls, which can be a major source of fecal indicator bacteria and pathogens at beaches. we found a low but consistent occurrence of bacteroidales in gulls at five beaches in three different counties spanning the ...200919151182
a winter outbreak of acute histoplasmosis in northern january 1980, an outbreak of 138 cases of acute pulmonary disease occurred among employees of a michigan limestone quarry. the source of exposure was a vessel repair building (relative risk = 5.8) and the time of exposure was january 10 (relative risk = 2.4). work activities associated with the specific place and time suggested exposure to a pulley which had been stored in a ring-billed gull nesting area as the cause of illness. histoplasma capsulatum was recovered from the nesting area, the ...19836823954
identification of human enteric pathogens in gull feces at southwestern lake michigan bathing beaches.ring-billed (larus delawarensis ord, 1815) and herring (larus argentatus pontoppidan, 1763) gulls are predominant species of shorebirds in coastal areas. gulls contribute to the fecal indicator burden in beach sands, which, once transported to bathing waters, may result in water quality failures. the importance of these contamination sources must not be overlooked when considering the impact of poor bathing water quality on human health. this study examined the occurrence of human enteric pathog ...200819096455
egg oiling to reduce hatch-year ring-billed gull numbers on chicago's beaches during swim season and water quality test results.a burgeoning ring-billed gull population along chicago's lake michigan beaches contributes to degraded water quality through fecal contamination. egg oiling was conducted at chicago's gull colonies to reduce production and the influx of hatch-year (hy) gulls using chicago's beaches, with a second, long-term objective of eventually reducing adult gull numbers through attrition. we also investigated swim season water quality trends through the course of this work. from 2007 to 2009, 52, 80, and 81 ...201222492207
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