
gaussian mixture model classification of odontocetes in the southern california bight and the gulf of california.a method for the automatic classification of free-ranging delphinid vocalizations is presented. the vocalizations of short-beaked and long-beaked common (delphinus delphis and delphinus capensis), pacific white-sided (lagenorhynchus obliquidens), and bottlenose (tursiops truncatus) dolphins were recorded in a pelagic environment of the southern california bight and the gulf of california over a period of 4 years. cepstral feature vectors are extracted from call data which contain simultaneous ov ...200717407910
classification of echolocation clicks from odontocetes in the southern california bight.this study presents a system for classifying echolocation clicks of six species of odontocetes in the southern california bight: visually confirmed bottlenose dolphins, short- and long-beaked common dolphins, pacific white-sided dolphins, risso's dolphins, and presumed cuvier's beaked whales. echolocation clicks are represented by cepstral feature vectors that are classified by gaussian mixture models. a randomized cross-validation experiment is designed to provide conditions similar to those fo ...201121303026
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