
productivity, diet, and environmental contaminants in bald eagles nesting near the wisconsin shoreline of lake superior.bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) nesting in the apostle islands national lakeshore and along the wisconsin shoreline of lake superior produced an average of 0.8 young/occupied nest and had an average nest success of 57% during 1983-1988, compared to 1.3 young/occupied nest and 77% nest success in inland wisconsin. contaminant levels in nestling bald eagle carcasses collected from nests near lake superior were higher than those collected inland, suggesting local contamination. prey remains ...19911996910
mercury exposure and neurochemical impacts in bald eagles across several great lakes this study, we assessed mercury (hg) exposure in several tissues (brain, liver, and breast and primary feathers) in bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) collected from across five great lakes states (iowa, michigan, minnesota, ohio, and wisconsin) between 2002-2010, and assessed relationships between brain hg and neurochemical receptors (nmda and gaba(a)) and enzymes (glutamine synthetase (gs) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad)). brain total hg (thg) levels (dry weight basis) averaged 2. ...201121735125
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