
characterization of an avian cholera epizootic in wild birds in western nebraska.avian cholera killed an estimated 2500 birds in western nebraska and eastern wyoming from 28 november 1985 to late january 1986. wild mallards (anas platyrhynchos) suffered the most losses. other wild waterfowl, wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo), a few domestic fowl, and a bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) also died. pasteurella multocida serotype 1 was the predominant isolate from these carcasses. cold, wet weather persisted throughout the outbreak, but daily losses in the flock of 50,000 ...19883382368
lead exposure in bald eagles from big game hunting, the continental implications and successful mitigation efforts.studies suggest hunter discarded viscera of big game animals (i.e., offal) is a source of lead available to scavengers. we investigated the incidence of lead exposure in bald eagles in wyoming during the big game hunting season, the influx of eagles into our study area during the hunt, the geographic origins of eagles exposed to lead, and the efficacy of using non-lead rifle ammunition to reduce lead in eagles. we tested 81 blood samples from bald eagles before, during and after the big game hun ...201223284837
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