
accumulation profiles of parabens and their metabolites in fish, black bear, and birds, including bald eagles and albatrosses.although several studies have reported the ubiquitous occurrence of parabens in human specimens and the environment, little is known about the accumulation of these estrogenic chemicals in fish and birds. in this study, accumulation profiles of six parabens and their metabolites were determined in 254 tissue (including liver, kidney, egg, and plasma) samples from 12 species of fish and seven species of birds collected from inland, coastal, and remote aquatic ecosystems. in addition, liver and ki ...201627329692
mercury exposure and neurochemical impacts in bald eagles across several great lakes this study, we assessed mercury (hg) exposure in several tissues (brain, liver, and breast and primary feathers) in bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) collected from across five great lakes states (iowa, michigan, minnesota, ohio, and wisconsin) between 2002-2010, and assessed relationships between brain hg and neurochemical receptors (nmda and gaba(a)) and enzymes (glutamine synthetase (gs) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad)). brain total hg (thg) levels (dry weight basis) averaged 2. ...201121735125
concentrations and hazard assessment of organochlorine contaminants and mercury in smallmouth bass from a remote lake in the upper peninsula of michigan.concentrations of pcbs, ddts, toxaphene, chlordanes, dieldrin, and mercury were determined in smallmouth bass (micropterus dolomieui) collected from fumee lake, a remote lake in the upper peninsula of michigan. an ecological hazard assessment was conducted to determine potential impacts of contaminants on bald eagles and mink eating fish from this lake. concentrations of organochlorines, except toxaphene, and mercury in smallmouth bass were similar to those found in fish from lake superior, wher ...19989419276
multiple metals exposure and neurotoxic risk in bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) from two great lakes the present study, the authors determined concentrations of several elements (as, cd, co, cu, cr, mn, pb, sb, zn) in the brains and livers of 46 bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) from two great lakes states, michigan and minnesota. to explore whether exposures are of neurological concern, the authors assessed their associations with neurochemical receptors (n-methyl-d-aspartate [nmda] and γ-aminobutyric acid a [gaba(a)]) and enzymes (glutamine synthetase [gs] and glutamic acid decarboxyl ...201222170515
leucocytozoonosis in nestling bald eagles in michigan and minnesota.thirteen of 21 nestling bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) examined for blood parasites in michigan and minnesota (usa) during june and july 1997 had patent infections of leucocytozoon toddi. no other parasites were seen. the degree of parasitemia was light and varied from 1 to 2 on the ashford scale. several of the infected nestlings appeared to have elevated levels of heterophils in their peripheral circulating blood. one of the infected nestlings also showed signs of severe anemia. we bel ...199910479102
contaminants of fishes from great lakes-influenced sections and above dams of three michigan rivers: iii. implications for health of bald eagles.recently, there have been discussions of the relative merits of passage of fishes around hydroelectric dams on three rivers (au sable, manistee, and muskegon) in michigan. a hazard assessment was conducted to determine the potential for adverse effects on bald eagles that could consume such fishes from above and below dams on the three primary rivers. the hazard assessments were verified by comparing the reproductive productivities of eagles nesting in areas where they ate primarily fish from ei ...19957487154
hematology and serum chemistries of nestling bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) in the lower peninsula of mi, usa.hematology constituents and serum biochemistries were determined in blood collected from 55 nestling bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) from nest sites within the lower peninsula of michigan in 1992. hematological values were comparable to published ranges for birds for all but eosinophils, which were greater than normal. serum chemistry values were similar to those of other birds for all but six parameters, uric acid, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, globulin, and urea nitr ...200011057684
distribution and elimination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, biphenyls, and p,p'-dde in tissues of bald eagles from the upper peninsula of michigan.liver, muscle, fat, kidney, and gall bladder of eight bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) found dead in the upper peninsula of michigan during 2000 were analyzed for the presence of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds), dibenzofurans (pcdfs), and biphenyls (including coplanar pcbs), p,p'-dde, and hexachlorobenzene (hcb). necropsy results showed that the birds suffered from peritonitis, bacterial infection, or trauma. concentrations of pcdd/dfs in livers ranged from 23 to 4500 pg/g on a w ...200212144248
a comparison of techniques for assessing central tendency in left-censored data using pcb and p,p'dde contaminant concentrations from michigan's bald eagle biosentinel program.monitoring of contaminants in the environment is an important part of understanding the fate of ecosystems after a chemical insult. frequently, such monitoring efforts result in datasets with observations below the detection limit (dl) that are reported as 'non-detect' or '<dl' and no value is provided. this study explored the effects of non-detect data and their treatment on summary statistics. the data analyzed in this paper are real-world data. they consist of both large (n=234) and moderate ...201020416924
productivity, embryo and eggshell characteristics, and contaminants in bald eagles from the great lakes, usa, 1986 to 2000.chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations in eggs of fish-eating birds from contaminated environments such as the great lakes of north america tend to be highly intercorrelated, making it difficult to elucidate mechanisms causing reproductive impairment, and to ascribe cause to specific chemicals. an information- theoretic approach was used on data from 197 salvaged bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) eggs (159 clutches) that failed to hatch in michigan and ohio, usa (1986-2000). contaminant leve ...201020821609
perfluorinated compounds in aquatic organisms at various trophic levels in a great lakes food chain.trophic transfer of perfluorooctanesulfonate (pfos) and other related perfluorinated compounds was examined in a great lakes benthic foodweb including water-algae-zebra mussel-round goby-smallmouth bass. in addition, perfluorinated compounds were measured in livers and eggs of chinook salmon and lake whitefish, in muscle tissue of carp, and in eggs of brown trout collected from michigan. similarly, green frog livers, snapping turtle plasma, mink livers, and bald eagle tissues were analyzed to de ...200515883668
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