eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus and culiseta melanura activity at the patuxent wildlife research center, 1985-90. | mosquito population densities, virus isolations and seroconversion in sentinel quail were used to monitor eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus (eee) activity at the patuxent wildlife research center, laurel, maryland, from 1985 through 1990. a dramatic increase in the number of culiseta melanura collected in 1989, as compared with the 3 previous years, was associated with virus isolations from this species (5/75 pools; n = 542 mosquitoes) and with seroconversion in sentinel quail (4/22 birds p ... | 1992 | 1357091 |
efficacy of eastern equine encephalitis immunization in whooping cranes. | an epizootic of eastern equine encephalitis (eee) at the patuxent wildlife research center (pwrc), laurel, maryland (usa), in 1989 provided an opportunity to determine if eee immunization protected whooping cranes (grus americana). based on seroconversion of 31% of sympatric hatch-year sandhill cranes, grus canadensis, and a previous 35% case fatality rate in whooping cranes, 17 (37%) of the 46 susceptible whooping cranes should have been exposed to virus and six should have died. as there were ... | 1997 | 9131565 |
pathogenicity of west nile virus and response to vaccination in sandhill cranes (grus canadensis) using a killed vaccine. | west nile virus was introduced into the united states in the vicinity of new york, new york, usa in 1999. the virus has since killed large numbers of birds nationwide, especially, but not limited to, crows (corvus brachyrhinchos). one sandhill crane (grus canadensis) at the bridgeport zoo (bridgeport, connecticut, usa) reportedly died from west nile virus, so sandhill cranes and endangered whooping cranes (grus americana), both in the wild and in captive breeding colonies at united states geolog ... | 2009 | 19569472 |