
applying behavioral conditioning to identify anticipatory behaviors.the ability to predict regular events can be adaptive for nonhuman animals living in an otherwise unpredictable environment. animals may exhibit behavioral changes preceding a predictable event; such changes reflect anticipatory behavior. anticipatory behavior is broadly defined as a goal-directed increase in activity preceding a predictable event and can be useful for assessing well being in animals in captivity. anticipation may look different in different animals, however, necessitating metho ...201728375754
twelve-year proximity relationships in a captive group of western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) at the san diego wild animal park, california, usa.proximity data were collected in a captive breeding group of gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) at the san diego wild animal park (currently called the san diego zoo safari park) twice a year (spring and fall periods) for over 12 years, by using a convenient method in which individuals less than 5 m from each animal in the group were recorded by scan sampling, approximately once per hour. immature females from infancy to young adulthood maintained relatively frequent proximity to both their moth ...201424838632
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