
estimated historical and current nitrogen balances for illinois.the midwest has large riverine exports of nitrogen (n), with the largest flux per unit area to the mississippi river system coming from iowa and illinois. we used historic and current data to estimate n inputs, outputs, and transformations for illinois where human activity (principally agriculture and associated landscape drainage) have had a dominant impact. presently, approximately 800,000 mg of n is added each year as fertilizer and another 420,000 mg is biologically fixed, primarily by soybe ...200112805881
sources of nitrate yields in the mississippi river basin.riverine nitrate n in the mississippi river leads to hypoxia in the gulf of mexico. several recent modeling studies estimated major n inputs and suggested source areas that could be targeted for conservation programs. we conducted a similar analysis with more recent and extensive data that demonstrates the importance of hydrology in controlling the percentage of net n inputs (nni) exported by rivers. the average fraction of annual riverine nitrate n export/nni ranged from 0.05 for the lower miss ...201021043271
ovarian development and ovipositional preference of the western corn rootworm (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) variant in east central illinois.the rotation of maize, zea mays l., and soybean, glycine max (l.) merr., has been the traditional cultural tactic to manage the western corn rootworm, diabrotica virgifera virgifera leconte, in the corn belt. the reduced effectiveness of this rotation as a pest management tool in east central illinois, northern indiana, and southern michigan can be explained by the shift in the ovipositional behavior of the new variant of western corn rootworm. the objective of this study was to evaluate the inf ...200415154460
population dynamics of a western corn rootworm (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) variant in east central illinois commercial maize and soybean fields.three on-farm sites in iroquois county, il, each containing an adjacent 16.2-ha commercial production maize, zea mays l., and soybean, glycine max (l.) merr., field, were monitored for western corn rootworm, diabrotica virgifera virgifera leconte (coleoptera: chrysomelidae), adults from june through september 1999-2001. mean captures of d. v. virgifera adults as measured with pherocon am yellow sticky traps were significantly greater in maize than in soybean. overall mean numbers of d. v. virgif ...200717849858
forecasting seasonal population growth of aphis glycines (hemiptera: aphididae) in soybean in illinois.from 2001 to 2004, 252 fifty-plant samples were collected from commercial soybean, glycine max l., fields in three townships (93-km2 area) in illinois. townships were sampled every 3 wk from late june or early july when aphids (aphis glycines matsumura) first invaded the townships to early august. we used linear regression of 18 mean township field densities to calibrate several simple models to predict the change in aphid population density in a township from one sampling date to the next. the ...200516156566
selecting and evaluating native plants for region-specific phytotoxicity this study, we evaluated methodology to determine risks to terrestrial native plant species from potential herbecide drift, focusing on 1) selection of native species for testing, 2) growth of these species, and 3) variability in herbicide response among native species and compared with crop plants. native plant species were selected for initial testing on the basis of spatial analysis, which indicated that species from illinois, usa, were at potential risk for off-target effects of herbicide ...200817973566
bioethanol production from dedicated energy crops and residues in arkansas, usa.globally, one of the major technologic goals is to achieve cost-effective lignocellulosic ethanol production from biomass feedstocks. lignocellulosic biomass of four dedicated energy crops [giant reed (arundo donax l.), elephantgrass (pennisetum purpureum (schumach), miscanthus × giganteus (illinois clone), and (clone q42641) {hybrid of miscanthus sinensis anderss. and miscanthus sacchariflorus (maxim)}, hack. called giant miscanthus, and sugarcane clone us 84-1028 (saccharum l. spp. hybrid)] an ...201121086455
phosphorus transport through subsurface drainage and surface runoff from a flat watershed in east central illinois, usa.a long-term water quality monitoring program was established to evaluate the effects of agricultural management practices on water quality in the little vermilion river (lvr) watershed, il. this watershed has intensive random and irregular subsurface drainage systems. the objective of this study was to assess the fate and transport of soluble phosphorus (soluble p) through subsurface drainage and surface runoff. four sites (sites a, b, c, and e) that had subsurface and surface monitoring program ...201317412904
long-term changes in mollisol organic carbon and nitrogen.conversions of mollisols from prairie to cropland and subsequent changes in crop production practices in the midwestern usa have resulted in changes in soil organic matter. few studies have used archived samples, long-term resampling of soils to a depth of 1 m, and space for time studies to document these changes. we resampled soils by depth (0-100 cm) in fields at 19 locations in central illinois on poorly drained mollisols that were in corn (zea mays l.) and soybean (glycine max l. merr.) rota ...201319141810
role of cysteine proteinase inhibitors in preference of japanese beetles (popillia japonica) for soybean (glycine max) leaves of different ages and grown under elevated co2.elevated levels of co(2), equivalent to those projected to occur under global climate change scenarios, increase the susceptibility of soybean foliage to herbivores by down-regulating the expression of genes related to the defense hormones jasmonic acid and ethylene; these in turn decrease the gene expression and activity of cysteine proteinase inhibitors (cystpis), the principal antiherbivore defenses in foliage. to examine the effects of elevated co(2) on the preference of japanese beetle (jb; ...200919418071
miscanthus and switchgrass production in central illinois: impacts on hydrology and inorganic nitrogen leaching.biomass crops are being promoted as environmentally favorable alternatives to fossil fuels or ethanol production from maize (zea mays l.), particularly across the corn belt of the united states. however, there are few if any empirical studies on inorganic n leaching losses from perennial grasses that are harvested on an annual basis, nor has there been empirical evaluation of the hydrologic consequences of perennial cropping systems. here we report on the results of 4 yr of field measurements of ...201321043284
captures of western corn rootworm (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) adults with pherocon am and vial traps in four crops in east central is hypothesized that the long-term rotation of maize (zea mays l.) and soybean (glycine max l.) in east central illinois has caused a significant change in the ovipositional behavior of the western corn rootworm, diabrotica virgifera virgifera leconte. since the mid 1990s in east central illinois, western corn rootworm adults have been observed feeding on soybean foliage and also now use soybean fields as egg laying sites. this behavioral adaptation has greatly decreased the effectiveness of ...200312852611
heat waves imposed during early pod development in soybean (glycine max) cause significant yield loss despite a rapid recovery from oxidative stress.heat waves already have a large impact on crops and are predicted to become more intense and more frequent in the future. in this study, heat waves were imposed on soybean using infrared heating technology in a fully open-air field experiment. five separate heat waves were applied to field-grown soybean (glycine max) in central illinois, three in 2010 and two in 2011. thirty years of historical weather data from illinois were analyzed to determine the length and intensity of a regionally realist ...201525845935
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