
an evaluation of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and the inland silverside, menidia beryllina, as mosquito control agents in california wild rice fields.the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and the inland silverside, menidia beryllina, were evaluated in experimental, one-tenth hectare wild rice plots in lake county, california, for their impact on densities of culex tarsalis, anopheles freeborni and anopheles franciscanus. gambusia affinis were tested at 0.6 and 1.7 kg/ha and the silversides at ca. 0.9 kg/ha. the silversides did not survive well in the rice field system and none of the silverside guts examined contained mosquito larvae. the mosqu ...19872904970
an evaluation of gambusia affinis and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis as mosquito control agents in california wild rice fields.the mosquito control potential of the mosquitofish and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti) were evaluated in experimental wild rice fields in lake county, california. fields were assigned one of six treatment: control, 1.1 kg/ha g. affinis, 3.4 kg/ha g. affinis, bti only (6 kg/ha vectobac granules), 1.1 kg/ha g. affinis plus bti and 3.4 kg/ha g. affinis plus bti. gambusia affinis, at both release rates, significantly reduced the mosquito population at densities exceeding 100 fish/minno ...19882906358
elements in fish of malibu creek and malibu lagoon near los angeles, california.our aim was to assess whether past discharges from a wastewater treatment plant increased metal pollutant loads in stream mobile species in a one-day baseline sampling study that included a coastal wetland. mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) of two sizes, black bullhead (ameiurus melas), and crayfish (pacifastacus leniusculus) were collected from malibu creek, and california killifish (fundulus parvipinnis) of three sizes, as well as arroyo chub (gila orcutti) were sampled from malibu lagoon near l ...200312705915
prey selection by mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in california rice fields: effect of vegetation and prey species.mosquitofish are widely used for biological control of mosquito larvae in rice fields, but the presence of different types of vegetation or alternative arthropod prey affects the performance of the fish. feeding experiments were conducted in 4 rice field vegetation zones. overall, predation was maximal in young and mature rice, moderate in the submerged naiad vegetation, and minimal in areas of open water. a preference for fourth instar culex tarsalis mosquito larvae over daphnia pulex and the a ...19902324716
effects of inorganic nitrogen enrichment on mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and the associated aquatic community in constructed treatment wetlands.ammonium nitrogen (nh4-n) is a significant component of municipal and agricultural wastewaters, and nitrogen reduction is an important use of constructed treatment wetlands. the effects of ammonium nitrogen enrichment on resources of larval mosquitoes, larval mosquito abundance, adult mosquito production, and the abundance of related wetland organisms were examined in 0.1-ha replicate treatment wetlands. the hypothesis of a bottom-up effect induced by ammonium addition was not supported by bacte ...200516363159
experimental dosing of wetlands with coagulants removes mercury from surface water and decreases mercury bioaccumulation in fish.mercury pollution is widespread globally, and strategies for managing mercury contamination in aquatic environments are necessary. we tested whether coagulation with metal-based salts could remove mercury from wetland surface waters and decrease mercury bioaccumulation in fish. in a complete randomized block design, we constructed nine experimental wetlands in california's sacramento-san joaquin delta, stocked them with mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), and then continuously applied agricultural ...201525893963
selenium in aquatic biota inhabiting agricultural drains in the salton sea basin, california.resource managers are concerned that water conservation practices in irrigated farmlands along the southern border of the salton sea, imperial county, california, could increase selenium concentrations in agricultural drainwater and harm the desert pupfish (cyprinodon macularius), a federally protected endangered species. as part of a broader attempt to address this concern, we conducted a 3-year investigation to collect baseline information on selenium concentrations in seven agricultural drain ...201221915593
environmental factors influencing survival of threespine stickleback (gasterosteus aculeatus) in a multipurpose constructed treatment wetland in southern california.survival of the threespine stickleback, gasterosteus aculeatus, differed among marshes in a demonstration 9.9-ha multipurpose constructed treatment wetland designed to improve the quality of secondary-treated municipal wastewater in southern california. at a mean loading rate of 3.3 kg nh4-n ha(-1) d(-1) (6 kg total n ha(-1) d(-1)), the suitability of the wetland to support a population of sticklebacks was estimated to be low. the development of potentially toxic levels of un-ionized ammonia, pa ...200717633430
reproductive status of western mosquitofish inhabiting selenium-contaminated waters in the grassland water district, merced county, california.this study was implemented to determine if western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) populations in the grassland water district suffer from impaired reproduction because of seleniferous inflows of agricultural drainwater from the grassland bypass project. during june to july 2001, laboratory trials with pregnant female fish collected from two seleniferous treatment sites exposed to selenium-laden drainwater and two nonseleniferous reference sites yielded fry that averaged > 96% survival at birth. ...200415386130
further biological and chemical studies on gambusia affinis (baird and girard) in california. 19705530832
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