
gene expression profiling in daphnia magna, part ii: validation of a copper specific gene expression signature with effluent from two copper mines in california.genomic technologies show great potential for classifying disease states and toxicological impacts from exposure to chemicals into functional categories. in environmental monitoring, the ability to classify field samples and predict the pollutants present in these samples could contribute to monitoring efforts and the diagnosis of contaminated sites. using gene expression analysis, we challenged our custom daphnia magna cdna microarray to determine the presence of a specific metal toxicant in bl ...200818767696
ecological risks of diazinon from agricultural use in the sacramento-san joaquin river basins, california.a probabilistic risk assessment was conducted to evaluate the likelihood and ecological significance of potential toxic effects of diazinon in the sacramento-san joaquin system. diazinon, an organophosphorus insecticide, is used in the sacramento-san joaquin river basin as a dormant spray on almonds and other tree crops, as well as for other agricultural and urban applications. diazinon and other pesticides have been detected in the sacramento and san joaquin rivers and their tributaries. diazin ...200011110205
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