
occurrences and fate of ddt principal isomers/metabolites, dda, and o,p'-ddd enantiomers in fish, sediment and water at a ddt-impacted superfund the 1950s and 60s, discharges from a ddt manufacturing plant contaminated a tributary system of the tennessee river near huntsville, alabama, usa. regulatory action resulted in declaring the area a superfund site which required remediation and extensive monitoring. monitoring data collected from 1988, after remediation, through 2011 showed annual decreases approximating first-order decay in concentrations of total ddt and its six principal congeners (p,p'-ddt, o,p'-ddt, p,p'-ddd, o,p'-ddd, p, ...201425150505
fishing along the clinch river arm of watts bar reservoir adjacent to the oak ridge reservation, tennessee: behavior, knowledge and risk perception.catching and eating fish is usually viewed as a fun, healthy and safe activity. however, with continuing increases in fish consumption advisories due to the contamination of our environment, anglers have to decide whether or not to eat the fish they catch. the clinch river arm of watts bar reservoir is under a fish consumption advisory because of elevated pcb concentrations in striped bass (morone saxatilis), catfish (ictalurus spp.) and sauger (stizostedion canadense) due in part from contamina ...200212462581
mitochondrial dna divergence in the critically imperilled pygmy madtom, noturus stanauli (siluriformes: ictaluridae).the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was sequenced for six individuals of the pygmy madtom, noturus stanauli, a globally imperilled catfish, from both known localities in tennessee (u.s.a.) separated by over 1055 river km. phylogenetic and population genetic analyses revealed little divergence between these populations for this locus.200920738694
note on the occurrence of acetodextra amiuri (stafford) (trematoda: heterophidae) in channel catfish from the tennessee river. 19751113438
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