
factors affecting students' use of medline.medline search transcripts by a class of third-year medical students were analyzed. the 184 students were divided into three groups according to their search experience in terms of the number of sessions logged at the time of a search assignment. a strong relation was found between the level of search experience and the frequency of use in the subsequent 5 months. over 80% of the students were able to retrieve a few useful items for an emergency clinical situation. more experienced searchers wer ...19938112055
impact of end-user search training on pharmacy students: a four-year follow-up study.the alfred taubman medical library at the university of michigan has offered instruction in online literature searching to third-year pharmacy students as a component of the course "drug information and scientific literature evaluation" since 1983. in the spring of 1989, a follow-up study was conducted to assess the impact of instruction on four classes of graduates. of a pool of 151 graduates, 90 (60%) responded to a mailed questionnaire on their use of information and computerized literature s ...19921600421
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