
lead poisoning of bald (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (aquila chrysaetos) eagles in the u.s. inland pacific northwest region--an 18-year retrospective study: determine risk factors and seasonal trends of lead poisoning in bald (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (aquila chrysaetos) eagles, blood lead levels were evaluated in eagles admitted from the inland pacific northwest region of the united states to the raptor rehabilitation program, college of veterinary medicine at washington state university from 1991 to 2008. admissions were from washington (32 bald eagles, 27 golden eagles), northern idaho (21 bald eagles, 25 golden eagles), northeaste ...201021302758
lead, mercury, selenium, and other trace elements in tissues of golden eagles from southwestern montana, usa.lead-based rifle bullets, used in game hunting and recreational shooting, fragment when striking bone and soft tissues. lead fragments may be ingested by birds scavenging offal piles or nonretrieved carcasses and therefore pose a poisoning risk. we captured and sampled 74 golden eagles (aquila chrysaetos) in southwestern montana, usa, from 2008 to 2010 to evaluate levels of lead, mercury, selenium, and 13 other trace elements in blood and feathers. lead was detected in blood of most (97%, n=70) ...201323307377
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