
anguillicola crassus infection in anguilla rostrata from small tributaries of the hudson river watershed, new york, usa.we studied the invasion of the exotic nematode parasite anguillicola crassus in the american eel anguilla rostrata using tributaries of the hudson river estuary. yellow-phase american eels were sampled from 6 tributaries, and their swim bladders were examined for nematode infection. prevalence averaged 39% with an intensity of 2.4 nematodes per eel. parasite distribution was not significant along a latitudinal gradient; on the other hand, physical barriers (dams and natural waterfalls) significa ...200818429440
spatial trends of dioxin-like compounds in atlantic anguillid eels.several temperate freshwater eel stocks have experienced unsustainable declines, yet to be explained. the decline of lake trout (salvelinus namaycush) in lake ontario has been linked to aryl-hydrocarbon receptor agonists such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (pcdd/fs), dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-pcbs), and polychlorinated naphthalenes (pcns), and the question remains whether eels are affected similarly by these compounds. concentrations of pcdd/fs, dl-pcbs, and p ...201323528832
causes of recruitment failure in freshwater mussel populations in southeastern new york.populations of freshwater mussels (unionoida) are declining or disappearing from many waters around the world. in many declining populations, recruitment fails before adult mortality occurs, resulting in relict populations that can persist for decades. we tested whether recruitment failure in populations of the freshwater mussel elliptio complanata was associated with invasion of nonnative crayfish, loss of a primary fish host (american eel anguilla rostrata), excessive inputs of fine sediments, ...201223092015
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