
ethnic differences in risk from mercury among savannah river plays an important role in people's lives and contaminant levels in fish are a public health concern. many states have issued consumption advisories; south carolina and georgia have issued them for the savannah river based on mercury and radionuclide levels. this study examined ethnic differences in risk from mercury exposure among people consuming fish from the savannah river, based on site-specific consumption patterns and analysis of mercury in fish. among fish, there were significant ...200111572431
mercury in south carolina fishes, usa.the south carolina department of health and environmental control has collected, processed, and analyzed fish tissue total mercury (hg) since 1976. for this study, skin-on-filet data from 1993 to 2007 were examined to determine biotic, spatial and temporal trends in tissue hg levels for sc fishes. because of the relatively high number of tissue hg values below the analytical detection limits interval censored regression and censored least absolute deviations were used to construct several models ...201020058074
radiocesium in fish from the savannah river and steel creek: potential food chain exposure to the public.this study examined radiocesium (137cs) levels in fish from the vicinity of the department of energy's savannah river site (srs), a former nuclear weapons production facility in south carolina. fish from the savannah river were sampled above (upstream), along, and below (downstream) the srs, and from steel creek, a tributary that runs through the srs. there was some off-site contamination of 137cs in the savannah river watershed due to low-level releases from past nuclear production on the srs. ...200111572432
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