tumor prevalence and biomarkers of exposure and response in brown bullhead (ameiurus nebulosus) from the anacostia river, washington, dc and tuckahoe river, maryland, usa. | we evaluated liver and skin tumor prevalence and biomarkers of exposure and response in brown bullhead (ameiurus nebulosus) from three locations in the anacostia river (washington, dc, usa), a chesapeake bay region of concern. the tuckahoe river (maryland, usa) served as a reference. each river was sampled in fall 2000 and spring 2001. in the anacostia, prevalence of liver tumors was 50 to 68%, and prevalence of skin tumors was 13 to 23% in large (> or = 260 mm, age > or = 3 years) bullheads. li ... | 2004 | 15285357 |
tumors in brown bullheads in the chesapeake bay watershed: analysis of survey data from 1992 through 2006. | liver and skin tumor prevalences in brown bullheads ameiurus nebulosus have been used in the north american great lakes to designate highly contaminated areas of concern and monitor their recovery. here we interpret the results of six surveys conducted in the chesapeake bay watershed between 1992 and 2006, with data for 647 fish. the objective has been to develop an adequate database to critically evaluate the use of tumor prevalence as a habitat quality indicator within the watershed. surveys f ... | 2009 | 19873828 |
temporal and spatial patterns in tumour prevalence in brown bullhead ameiurus nebulosus (lesueur) in the tidal potomac river watershed (usa). | for two decades, fish tumour surveys have been used to monitor habitat quality in the chesapeake bay (usa) watershed. tributaries with sediments contaminated with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs), known to cause liver neoplasia, were frequently targeted. here, we compare surveys in brown bullhead ameiurus nebulosus conducted in 2009-2011 in the tidal potomac river watershed (including the anacostia river) with previous surveys. using logistic regression, we identified length and sex as c ... | 2014 | 24974857 |