
responses of herbivorous fishes and benthos to 6 years of protection at the kahekili herbivore fisheries management area, response to concerns about declining coral cover and recurring macroalgal blooms, in 2009 the state of hawaii established the kahekili herbivore fisheries management area (khfma). within the khfma, herbivorous fishes and sea urchins are protected, but other fishing is allowed. as part of a multi-agency monitoring effort, we conducted surveys at khfma and comparison sites around maui starting 19 months before closure, and over the six years since implementation of herbivore protection. mean pa ...201627462981
skin pathology in hawaiian goldring surgeonfish, ctenochaetus strigosus (bennett).twenty-eight goldring surgeonfish, ctenochaetus strigosus (bennett), manifesting skin lesions and originating from the north-western and main hawaiian islands were examined. skin lesions were amorphous and ranged from simple dark or light discolouration to multicoloured tan to white sessile masses with an undulant surface. skin lesions covered 2-66% of the fish surface, and there was no predilection for lesions affecting a particular part of the fish. males appeared over-represented. microscopy ...201423617760
lunar and seasonal patterns in fecundity of an indeterminate, multiple-spawning surgeonfish, the yellow tang zebrasoma flavescens.reproduction was investigated in relation to lunar and annual cycles in a population of yellow tang zebrasoma flavescens, a popular aquarium species commercially harvested in hawaii. lunar periodicity was determined to be an inherent characteristic of reproduction; peaks in mean daily egg production, female gonado-somatic index (i(g)) and the fraction of females with eggs were observed at the full moon of each sampled month. an increase in the fraction of late-stage vitellogenic oocytes within t ...201020537018
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