
phylogeographic structure and postglacial evolutionary history of water voles (arvicola terrestris) in the united kingdom.the phylogeographic pattern of mitochondrial dna variation in water voles (arvicola terrestris) from 57 localities across the united kingdom and representative samples from spain, france, switzerland and finland was determined from sequence variation in the central portion of the control region. twenty-seven different haplotypes were resolved which formed two distinct phylogenetic clades. this major division separated haplotypes found in scotland from those found in england and wales. nested cla ...200515813782
biodiversity in urban habitat patches.we examined the biodiversity of urban habitats in birmingham (england) using a combination of field surveys of plants and carabid beetles, genetic studies of four species of butterflies, modelling the anthropochorous nature of the floral communities and spatially explicit modelling of selected mammal species. the aim of the project was to: (i) understand the ecological characteristics of the biota of cities model, (ii) examine the effects of habitat fragment size and connectivity upon the ecolog ...200616297440
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