
leptospira infections in freshwater fish in morogoro tanzania: a hidden public health threat.leptospirosis caused by spirochete bacterium of genus leptospira affects humans and animals worldwide. rodents are major reservoirs of leptospires whereas wetland and aquatic migratory birds also carry and transmit leptospires. leptospirosis studies in fish are lacking in african countries despite favourable environment and abundant reservoirs, which can spread leptospires into aquatic habitats and infect fish. the objectives of this study were to determine presence of leptospira in fish; the pr ...201426875305
assessment of pollution in sewage ponds using biomarker responses in wild african sharptooth catfish (clarias gariepinus) in tanzania.the interactive effects of mixed pollutants in sewage wastewater on biomarker responses were investigated using wild male african sharptooth catfish (clarias gariepinus) in morogoro, tanzania. a total of 58 fish were used, of which 21 were from mindu dam (reference site) and 22, 9 and 10 from mafisa, mazimbu and mzumbe sewage ponds, respectively. liver somatic index (lsi) and gonadosomatic index (gsi) were significantly greater (two- to threefold) and (five- to sixfold), respectively, in fish fr ...201020012187
completion of the life cycle of tylodelphys mashonense (sudarikov, 1971) (digenea: diplostomidae) with dna barcodes and rdna sequences.the life cycle of tylodelphys mashonense (digenea: diplostomidae), whose metacercariae occur in the cranial cavity of the widely cultivated catfish clarias gariepinus, was resolved by the application of molecular markers. both coi barcodes and its sequences obtained from diplostomid-like cercariae infecting bulinus spp. from mindu dam, morogoro, matched those acquired from metacercariae from the catfish c. gariepinus, and those from adult t. mashonense from the grey heron ardea cinerea and the w ...201526122993
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