
assessment of the exposure to heavy metals in griffon vultures (gyps fulvus) from the iberian peninsula.griffon vultures (gyps fulvus), by virtue of their position at the top of the food chain and as obligate scavengers, are at risk of accumulating and concentrating heavy metals in their tissues and may be more predisposed to their toxic effects. the aim of this study is to investigate heavy metal concentrations in griffon vultures in portugal and catalonia, spain and to determine if heavy metal concentrations in the blood of weak and/or injured griffon vultures admitted to wildlife rehabilitation ...201525528380
multidrug-resistant salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium monophasic variant 4,12:i:- isolated from asymptomatic wildlife in a catalonian wildlife rehabilitation center, spain.wildlife can act as long-term asymptomatic reservoirs for zoonotic bacteria, such as salmonella. the prevalence and antimicrobial-susceptibility profiles of salmonella spp. were assessed in 263 cases in wildlife from 22 animal orders from a wildlife rehabilitation center in catalonia (ne spain), september 2013-may 2014. eleven of 263 tested animals were positive for salmonella spp., representing an overall prevalence of 4.2%. prevalences by taxonomic categories were 2% in mammals, 4.7% in birds, ...201525973627
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