
selection of flight feathers from buteo buteo and accipiter gentilis for use in biomonitoring heavy metal contamination.the concentrations of hg were determined in all primary flight feathers from 20 specimens of buteo buteo and 49 specimens of accipiter gentilis, which had died in various wildlife recovery centres in galicia (nw spain) between 2001 and 2009. the aim of the study was to standardize the feather or feathers that should be analyzed in each species to enable inter-individual comparison of the levels of contamination, taking into consideration any variability in the concentrations of hg caused by the ...201222481053
evaluation of different contour feather types for biomonitoring lead exposure in northern goshawk (accipiter gentilis) and tawny owl (strix aluco).the concentration of pb was determined in feathers (contour feathers: mantle, pectoral, ventral, and primary- and secondary-coverts) of two sedentary species of raptors in galicia (nw spain): the tawny owl (strix aluco) and the northern goshawk (accipiter gentilis). a high degree of intraindividual variability was observed in all types of feathers, with coefficients of variation exceeding 100 percent. the correlations between feather types were too low to enable use of a single type of body feat ...201222975688
temporal trends in mercury concentrations in raptor flight feathers stored in an environmental specimen bank in galicia (nw spain) between 2000 and 2013.temporal trends in hg concentrations were investigated in primary flight feathers from 319 specimens of three birds of prey: p7 in the northern goshawk (accipiter gentilis), p6 in the common buzzard (buteo buteo) and p5 in the tawny owl (strix aluco). the samples were stored in a regional environmental specimen bank and belonged to specimens which died between 2000 and 2013 in galicia (nw spain). we would expect to see a decline in hg concentrations across the study period, as data of atmospheri ...201727995410
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