
[abundance of larvae and nymphs of the taiga tick ixodes persuicatus (acari: ixodidae) on small mammals in the cut-over lands of the middle taiga subzone of karelia].data of long-term investigations (1998-2004) on the abundance of the taiga tick larvae and nymphs in the cut-over lands of different age in the middle taiga subzone of karelia (62 degrees 04's; 33 degrees 55'w) are presented. the investigation was carried out on three model cut-over lands of different age: 1) "young" cut-over land; age of cut-over in the beginning of investigation is 7 years; betula-deschampsia cespitosa-agrostis tenuis; 2) "middle" cut-over land; age of cut-over is 12 years; sa ...200919807045
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