
the occurrence and infection dynamics of anisakis larvae in the black-scabbard fish, aphanopus carbo, chub mackerel, scomber japonicus, and oceanic horse mackerel, trachurus picturatus from madeira, portugal.larval stages of anisakis spp. (nematoda: anisakidae) were found encapsulated or free in the viscera and abdominal cavity of the black-scabbard fish, aphanopus carbo, chub mackerel, scomber japonicus and oceanic horse mackerel, trachurus picturatus in madeiran waters. the prevalence of infection reached 97.2% for a. carbo, 69.5% for s. japonicus and 62.5% for t. picturatus. considerable differences in parasite intensities between a. carbo and both s. japonicus and t. picturatus were found, with ...200312756070
molecular characterization of larval anisakid nematodes from marine fishes of madeira by a pcr-based approach, with evidence for a new and fifteen anisakid larvae from 3 different fish hosts, aphanopus carbo, scomber japonicus, and trachurus picturatus, caught in madeiran waters, were identified by pcr-rflp. three distinct species were identified in a. carbo, namely anisakis simplex sensu srricto, anisakis pegreffii, and anisakis ziphidarum; 5 in s. japonicus, i.e., a. simplex s.s., a. pegreffii, anisakis physeteris, anisakis typica, and a. ziphidarum; and 3 in t. picturatus, i.e., a. simplex s.s., a. pegreffii, and ...200516539027
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